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Bucklesham 9 Mile Training Run

Training runs have been few and far between in the last couple of months. We had filled our running schedule only with social runs and catch ups. With several races booked in for the first quarter of 2017 we decided that we needed to start getting a few extra miles in.

Sunday mornings are rarely for a lie in, but for early starts to get several miles under our belts.

Today I went out with my running buddy to see if we could just keep going. It sounds silly as we have both run lots further - but it is easy to mislay the mental ability to keep going. I left mine at 9am to plod down the road to pick up Claire. I instantly got distracted as I noticed all the winter Christmas berries are coming out on the trees.

Once I had picked up Claire we ran out past Purdis Farm to Bucklesham. The route is quite undulating, but we decided it was good to get some hill training in as part of our run.

We set off at a reasonable pace. Race pace for me is about 8 and a half to 9 minute miles. I ideally want to get up to early 8 minute miles in the new year. This however is going to take some dedication and will power. I think it can be achievable though!

The route also links in to some amazing trail running routes - these however have been saved for another day. Today was bout getting some road miles in.

We certainly were not the quickest we have ever been, but we were both happy with our efforts today. It was certainly refreshing to get up and out in the countryside while the weather is still nice. It is very mild for December.

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