March Ramblings
15th March 2018
Every now and again you need a day at home! It's great whizzing around with Jack but we also need time at home to chill, tidy and play games! Today was one of those days!
With the bin men waking Jack up playtime started earlier than normal. Luckily I had a surprise to keep him entertained! Amazon had worked wonders for me and quickly delivered a fun play mat/pen! He was in his element for most of the day! Result for him and result for me as it meant I could get lots of chores done! Like I've said before it's the small things now that are the biggest achievements! Today I got points for doing the washing, putting the washing away and tidying the bedroom! Rock and Roll!

My mum is also trying to support my dream of running again! She came all the way over from Bradfield today to look after Jack so I could venture out! It's quite ridiculous though... it takes her longer to drive here than it takes me to go for the run!
So the run! It wasn't amazing! I managed to drag myself round two miles but it was still super hard! It felt like someone had trampled on me! My shoulders were tense and my legs were heavy! I know I need to relax but it's hard when you know you only have an infinite window of opportunity to run! I have no idea how I'm going to do a 10km race in 6 weeks time! Maybe I was too ambitious! Gulp!
16th March 2018
So snow is scheduled again over the weekend! Eughhhh! It just mucks up all our plans! In fear we may get stuck in the house over the weekend we whizzed out in the buggy for a lovely three mile walk in the sun! On reflection I should have picked somewhere more exciting to walk than Sainsbury's! Jack however seemed pleased with the change of ceiling he was looking at! Ha Ha!

We had an exciting lunch time date though! Venturing out with Jack to meet Claire, Simon and Garry for a spot of lunch and a coffee at coffee cat in town. I hadn't ventured in here since I had a bump, so great excuse to introduce Davia (our awesome coffee lady) to Jack! As always Jack wanted to know everything that was going on! He is one nosey fella! The food was delicious as always - great jacket spuds and panini's. Although eventually our conversation must have bored Jack as he fell sound asleep!

Now I had been looking forward to tonight for a while! My Colchester friends (as I reference them - Ruth, Becky, Lynnie, Rachel, Pippa and Laura) were all getting together to celebrate Lynnie's birthday at the Marquis at Upper Layham. Although excited about a night out I was exhausted and slightly concerned that the table was booked passed my current bed time!
The venue was gorgeous and service was really good. It had a very relaxed atmosphere - particularly in the bar where we had a pre dinner drink. The menu is slightly more expensive than your usual pub food, but the meal was worth every penny. I had the most scrumptious pie - although so good I didn't have room for dessert! I have already said to Garry I am going to take him there for our anniversary this year! It will be a lovely treat!
17th March 2018
Now I have been spoilt rotten today! Lots of time for me! Adventuring with Jack is fun, but it's nice to be able to switch off the responsible head for a little bit. Garry took charge of parenting today and I was released to play for a bit!

Now relaxing for me is hitting the exercise! It makes me feel so much better about myself. Saturday morning was packed with exercise. An hour of combat - punching and kicking - following by a 30 length swim and a chill out in the bubble pool! I know its a luxury keeping my David Lloyd gym pass - but its just too nice there to give it up! I have been too spoilt by being allowed to go to a nice gym.... so now crown pools just won't hit the spot for me!
All this was then followed up by a lovely hot bath at home and a few hours afternoon nap! Pure bliss! I was now fully recharged to enjoy another week of maternity leave fun!
18th March 2018
We had had enough of the snow! The mini beast from the east was not going to defeat us today and we decided to march on with our plans. We had play date plans with Pikey, Amelie, Lola, Josh and Lisa. Off we trekked to Hollow Tree Farm for a chilly day out!

Even with the snow we managed to still push the buggy round the trail to see a variety of animals! It was the wind that got us though! It was ridiculously cold! Despite the winds brutality we all gave the farm trail our best shot! I think the adults may have played on more of the activities than the children though! The farm was a wash out for Jack though who was far too small to evacuate from the buggy in the cold! We will need to take him back when its warmer and his a little bigger! Currently the cows might have tried to eat him!

If the weather was warmer the kids could have a great time playing on the activities! In the interim the big kids took over the requirements to test out all the fun on the obstacle course, the mini tractors and the sandpit!

A snowy outing will always end in a trip to the cafe to warm up! The cafe served a great selection of lunch time treats and cakes. Make sure you don't take any food in for the kids though! Lisa got her knuckles wrapped for the kids having sandwiches..... sorry Lisa it was funny especially as they were not your kids! Never quite understand that logic though.... I mean by having the kids in there it meant they got five adults to eat lunch! Hey ho though... we know for next time!
19th March 2018 and 20th March 2018
Well today and tomorrow were going to be unpredictable! The poor fella was due to have his two month injections! The fall out from these would be a bit unknown and meant we were slightly housebound for the next day or two! With no idea what the day would hold Garry took the day off to spend with us both!
In reality it wasn't quite as bad as I first expected! With Jack experiencing his first dose of Calpol today we survived the whole ordeal with only one mass crying fit! We have now resumed play tie and think the worst has passed...... well that is util the 16th April when round two starts! Feels so mean injecting someone so small with so many types of illness at once!
A couple of days of cuddling have been the cure though and is a small price to pay to have a happy Jack back!
What we are looking forward to over the coming few weeks:
1. Catching up with Sadie and George for a cuppa
2. Catching up with Jemma and meeting baby Archie for the first time.
3. Driving out to Mum and Dads at Bradfield to introduce Jack to Auntie Heather
4. Spending the morning / walking with Becky and Amelie
5. Walking at Suffolk Food Hall with Heidi, Simon, Charlotte and Jon
6. Visiting Auntie Wendy, Jenny, Emily and meeting baby Florence
7. Catching up with Angela, Autumn and Willow
8. Venturing out to get Jack weighed
9. Social runs over Easter Weekend
10. Easter Egg hunting on behalf of Jack
We certainly won't be bored with all these people to visit and meet.... let the fun continue!