Santa Running in Hyde Park

Slightly hungover and dazed from a full on day in London we decided it would be rude not to take a run around Hyde Park. Our apartment was a few minutes so the park so really easy for us to throw our trainers on - whizz down the road and enjoy a little bit of London running.
We didn't have a plan of where to go, but started to plod around the park and attempt to share some festive cheer with the other runners. A few people raised a festive wave or smiled, but I struggled to get much of a reaction from anyone. I was determined that just because we were running in the city we were still going to be nice smiley runners to other people out. I think I may have ended up just looking slightly mad.
Running turned into a monument selfie dash coupled with a meet and greet with some Squirrels. It was ever so sweet - a guy was feeding the animals in the park. He shared some of the food with us and the Squirrels instantly started to flock. At one point I had one sitting on my shoe! Where was the camera when that was happening.
I feel this run was full of distractions - but then I do feel this was more about being a tourist than actually a serious run. I have linked my STRAVA route here for reference. Since this run I have seen some amazing Christmas patterns people have created on STRAVA running apps. I feel we could have tried harder to replicate as the park is an easy place to try and work something like this! Next time... I am going to plot a route and see what we can create.