New Years Eve Party Time

A party had been planned for New Years Eve round one of our closest friends. There are a number of us who have always historically spent New Years Eve together. This is mainly because we spend a great deal of time together anyway, but also because we all live closely together and it makes New Years Eve transportation allot easier. We normally also alternate who is hosting - this keeps it interesting over the years - different venues, different food and different cocktails!!!
This year however we decided to open up New Year to a number of new friends we have met who also live in the near area. I was super excited as this meant we got to go to a big party with lots of people we have known for years and also with lots of new friends. The best of both worlds.

With a party on the cards we all emptied our drinks cabinets at home to see what goodies we had to share. You can see from the photos we may have gone slightly overboard! Some of the bottles were so old I would be far too scared to drink them. Our friends also made a big batch of cosmopolitans. This was the strongest version we have ever had to date! Certainly was a blast of a welcome drink for the people attending.
Life Hack Trick I learnt though while I was there though - we filled up plastic bottles with water and placed them in the freezer. Once frozen we cut the tops of the bottles off and removed the outside layer of the bottle. This left big bottle shaped ice cubes which we could then place in the cosmopolitan jar. This kept the cocktail cool for hours!

Our host supplied us with some yummy snacks and everyone brought some treats to help us munch our way up to the New Year. We were spoilt for choice - cheese/biscuits, crisps, dip and the most amazing cheese straws! We were all fighting over the cheese straws so much that our friend had to send us the recipes the next day.

A key feature to any Trott Party has to be the fire pitt! Although the temperature had dropped in the last week some of us braved the outside with our cocktails to watch the flames dance around. It was scorching hot, but we smelt like we had been near a bonfire whenever we re-entered the house party zone.

I tried to get a good snap of me and the main boss main as New Year was closing in, but he decided to pull a funny face! We are certainly not pros at this whole selfie malarky - but we did invest in a selfie stick for Christmas - so maybe we will perfect it on some 2017 adventures.

We all had great fun catching up - chatting about our successes of 2016 and changes we would like to make in 2017. A number of us were runners so there was a great deal of chat about what races were were booked into and how training would need to be stepped up after the celebrations had finished! It is hard to believe that in amongst all of these festivities I managed to remember that the Stour Valley Marathon entries opened at 10.30! This race is so hard to get into and we needed to remember to enter ASAP. We did a group entry and all successfully got a place! Now the challenge was really on.... Marathon booked in for June 2017! I best get out and clocking up some miles in the next few months! But first we needed to see the New Year in in style.

As Midnight quickly approached we all gathered together - fizz in hands and celebrated as the clock struck 12! It always seems to take forever to reach Midnight and then the time flies by. Before long we realised it was gone 3am in the morning and we were still sipping gin and putting the world to right! It was a great way to celebrate the end of a great 2016 and welcome in a new year of adventures.... but first.... a day of rest is needed!