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Portobello Beach - Edinburgh Seaside

After a whole day of torrential rain it was a pleasant surprise to see rays of sunshine beaming down on Edinburgh. We only had a few hours before our flight home, but wanted to make the most of the day. We hopped in the car and drove down the coast (approximately ten minutes from Leith) to a place called Portobello Beach. Most importantly the parking here was free! BONUS!

I added a number of pictures in to show how beautiful the coastline was. The beach stretched for around two miles and today it was filled with lots of walkers and every possible type of dog you can imagine! Every few minutes I was like ....' I want that one... no that one.... awwww isn't he cute'. But in reality Poppy cat back at home would never allow an addition of a dog to the fold. Poppy rules the house and 100% no dogs allowed.

From the attached link Portobello Beach is cram packed in the summer seasons, but today it was relatively peaceful. We meandered up the beach for about half a mile before realising we hadn't have breakfast. A small caravan food outlet was perched on the walk. Despite being very busy with the influx of dog walkers we decided to place an order. Shortly after we were all enjoying bacon butties and hot drinks looking out at the view.

With fuel in our bellies we walked the remaining section of the beach and back. We also got some silly videos of the crew dancing on the sea breakers. I can't seem to upload them, but they are on my Instagram page if you want a good laugh.

Before heading off to the airport we had one last pub stop to warm up. Although the sun had been out the breeze had still been a little chilly. The pub known as the Guild of Foresters was really lovely. The fire was roaring and the decor inviting. They had a lot of tables reserved, so if you wanted to visit to eat in the future I would strongly advise booking a table. They did have room for us to have a quick drink and found us a table near the fire. After all the fresh air I could have quite easily dropped off next to the fire. All this adventuring is great, but it can certainly be tiring.

This adventure was perfect for our last day. But then the whole trip had been awesome. Edinburgh had been a big mix of different adventures. We got to see Leith, Edinburgh and the Coast at Portobello - that is quite an achievement in less than 48 hours. But most importantly it was fun because we got to catch up with Nat! She planned an amazing trip for us and we all had loads of fun. Thank you Nat for an amazing time. Looking forward to our next trip to visit you.

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