Celebrating Dads 65th

It is crazy how five years has flown by! Five years ago we were planning a massive party for my Dads 60th! Now we are arranging a lunch gathering for his 65th! It makes you think that you need to make the most of time as it goes far too quickly!
My parents are as crazy as me though and they certainly don't do things by halves! What started off as a small lunch for Dad and it soon escalated into a lunch for around 30 people! This is not unusual and we have regularly adapted Mums house into a make shift diner! Today we ended up with three tables in the living room and two further tables in the kitchen.

The sign was made by my Auntie Myrna - she is incredible talented and hand cut the wording and sewed the bunting together. A terrific surprise for my Dad.
The food was incredible as always - salad, pasta, roasted vegetables and beef stew. Pudding hit the spot as well with some pretty good chocolate brownies. We were lucky enough to be able to take a goody bag home with us to enjoy later on. We also had the most beautiful napkins as part of the table decorations.

It may have been a of work hard work, but it was a really enjoyable afternoon - particularly catching up with the family. Dad had a great time too with family and friends. It is amazing what you can achieve when everyone works together. I hope that in years to come I continue the family tradition of big parties and gatherings for lots of people to get together as it is awesome to see so many people having fun and keeping in touch,