Preparing the WRONG way!

My running has never really followed rules! In fact I am often a bit of a rule breaker when it comes to training, planning and preparation. This is not something I am proud of, but does make some of my achievements much bigger in my mind! How I have managed to do some things I have no idea! It certainly proves that often a lot of things are mind over matter!
I am hoping this is true ~ as before a Marathon they say you should taper, rest up and save yourself for the big day! They also say you should have a good plan in place before a Marathon! Both of these have failed dismally in my case! I am hoping my mind is strong enough to carry me through tomorrow. I have certainly done the training over the last few months, but I am not convinced I have given myself the best chance this week to do the race justice! Not sure an 18 mile trail run last Sunday was the best move a week before race day!

I may have worked the legs a little bit hard this week! There has been little rest! Despite good intentions I have found myself at Combat, Body Balance and up early for a special addition of the coffee run! What was supposed to be a slower dawdle for coffee ended up being our fastest ever coffee run!
Maybe it was because the weather was so lovely! Morning running in the spring and summer is the best! I certainly need to start checking the weather before leaving the house though! I was far too overdressed for this event! Need to find a new head device for the summer! Wool is far too hot! If anyone has any suggestions let me know! I just hate having my ears out when I run!
For what is a social run though ~the coffee run has certainly been a blessing in disguise for me! Each run has seen me push myself a little bit more and gradually the benefits are starting to show. Every week it is getting a bit easier to get an extra bit of speed! Be interesting to see how fast I can do it alone without everyone else pushing me! If I survive the marathon tomorrow I may throw a few extra morning runs in while the weather is nice!

So once I had thrown some crazy leg work in during the week I thought I would break some more rules! Few beers down the pub on a Thursday night! Nothing like carb loading early! I know lots of people will avoid alcohol before a race, but it has never done me any harm. I do however feel that I need to get better at pre race meals! Maybe a bit of pre planning wouldn't go amiss! So.... today I am trying to have enough fluids, some good meals and an early night! Last minute preparation is better than no preparation hey!?!...... well all will be revealed tomorrow..........