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What next......

It is hard to explain the after effects of a marathon! Not just physically, but mentally! I am sure some of you will understand! From crossing the line with a sigh of relief you then enter a euphoric stage! The stage where everything seems exciting to the point that you even think it's a good idea to do another one! The pain of training and the pain during the event quickly subsides. But suddenly........ after the immediate buzz wears off there is a period of loss!

A period of wondering what to do next? You suddenly don't have a goal! No plan and nothing to aim for! This is a dangerous time.... where anything could happen or be booked! I was certainly heard to mutter the words " I need a greater challenge or shall I just do an ultra " in this period!

Garry, Claire and most of my work colleagues will vouch for my grouchiness over the last two weeks! I have been like a bear with a sore head! Scrabbling around struggling to find enthusiasm for anything! I have been a nightmare! Thank goodness I have been super busy so I didn't have time to fill in any entry forms to do anything crazy like - ' Run the Wright' or ' Race to the Stones'.

So the best post marathon advice I can give you is to keep busy! Make sure you have loads planned so you don't rush into anything on a whim! I am glad that I have survived the two week high and low! I am now on holiday so plenty of time to consider whats next!

For now I will leave you with the top ten things I managed to cram into two weeks to keep me buzzing, motivated and functioning in the post marathon period! No wonder I feel exhausted..... its been a social whirlwind!

1. Run MORE!!!

Yes! Crazy I know! I left it four days without running - vaguely sensible for me! But then I worried that I would seize up! A quick run home from work sealed the deal that the legs were working ok!

This led on to several coffee runs and a few ten mile training runs to support Claire in her quest for the London marathon! I also wanted to get some good running in before I jetted off on holiday!

I was certainly the weakest link in our latest coffee run though! We had joked about all wearing green and I turned up in PINK! Yes PINK! It's like I had completely missed the memo! With Easter holidays looming though we had several new faces to join us for a coffee and a run! Am hoping post marathon season we will see even more faces coming to join us for an early morning jaunt!

2. Pub Quizzing!

After not going for ages we decided to visit the Raven Pub - Ipswich on a Wednesday night for the weekly pub quiz! With Charlotte and Jon in tow we thought we would test the brain power! This however is no normal quiz! It is a family fortunes quiz so general knowledge and current affairs is not as important as always! The test is to think outside the box! There are ten questions in total.... and you have to list the top answer and four other answers! It should be simple guess work, but by heck its hard!

Who would have thought the question..... where are you likely to find a donkey?..... would be so difficult?

We didn't do too badly considering! But we didn't win! This was a real shame as to enter you each pay a pound and the winners take home the pot of money! Here is to trying harder next time.....

3. Arcarde Street Tavern Works Night.....

One of the best nights out we have had with work in ages! A free drinks voucher and a free burger is enough to tempt most people out from work on a Friday night. This event was pumping when we got there! With my team in tow we quickly got on the beers and then gins with the rest of the company! From the headache I had in the morning I certainly had one to many, but it was a blast to let our hair down especially after the tax year end! We also got to see some old Suffolk Life faces who came out to join us! Great few drinks catching up with everyone! Still one of my fav places to go in Ipswich, but I am warning you now..... DO NOT HAVE GIN AND PROSECCO MIXED ......It is dangerous!

4. Evening Walks

So we decided with the evenings still getting lighter we would head out for a walk. In the distance we saw that the sunset across the Ipswich docks would be incredible! Off we trotted - a bit later than intended - thinking that if we nipped across the park we could make it in time! Ignoring the sign stating that Hollywells Park would be locked at 7.45 we took a punt that we would make it! We did scurry across the park in the slight fear that we would get locked in, but at the same time not really believing it! To our horror we found the gate locked and no way of escaping! We must have just missed the park warden who locks the gates each night! With only one option available to us I found a wall and flung myself over it. I think if I had thought about it for longer I would have realised the risks, but I was over and out before you could stop me! Least we know that getting locked in the park is not so terrible in the future!GULP! But for those of you who think the locking of the gates is a myth.... its true... you can get locked in!

The reflections down at the docks were worth it though! Love that we have such a beautiful area in Ipswich now!

5. Garrys Dads 60th Birthday

So we spent a large proportion of Saturday looking for 60th birthday balloons! It was crazy that we couldn't find them! Shop after shop we went until finally we located something suitable! It was worth it in the end though as the balloons certainly made the area of the Westerfield Railway Pub come alive for the celebrations!

With 20 ish people there to celebrate it was going to be an amazing night! This is still one of my fav pubs as the food was delicious and the service was amazing. It made the night thoroughly enjoyable! I am sure you will agree that the birthday cake was pretty awesome too! A metal detecting cake at it's finest! Much better than the attempt I tried for Garrys 30th!

6. Picnic at Flatford

With the hottest day at our finger tips we knew we needed to get outside and enjoy the sunshine for our friend Lisa's birthday. The destination in choice was Flatford Mill! In the heart of Constable Country we knew it would be picturesque on a day like today! We were not wrong! With lots of people having the same idea we were pleased to see a separate car park open for us! It is a little steep at £4 pounds for the day, but knowing we would be there for a while its a price we were willing to pay. Flatford is a gorgeous place in Suffolk! We were planning on taking a picnic down the river banks and relaxing in the sun! For the more adventurous of you though boat hire is available! This provided us with much entertainment as people were getting stuck in their boats in the reeds! There also seems to be a new tea room there and an ice cream stall! If you want an ice cream though on a hot day be prepared to wait! the queue was immense!

7. Cooking for Friends

I have serious doubts when it comes to my own cooking ability, but have been trying to push myself a little more to be adventurous! With Jon and Charlotte coming round for the evening I thought I should give 'making a pie' another go! It had been a while and it was always a risk to cook something that might go wrong! I was surprised at my own ability though! Without really following any instructions a chicken leak and chorizo pie appeared! It all vanished as well so I am hoping that this is a sign of success! I think the lesson to be learned here however is to trust myself a bit more......! So whose next???? I need another couple to come round and try the next new dish...... requests please!

8. Afternoon Drinking

Now this could easily have got out of hand and if I hadn't been scheduled to put the above mentioned pie in the oven! With the sun shining and a few hours to spare we headed off to the Grunisburgh Dog with Claire and Simon! We failed at sitting outside for long as when Simon even puts on a jumper you know it must be chilly! Although a large section of the pub is a restaurant there is a small snug bar where you can cosy up with a beer or two! It's a prime pub we have on a route if we are ever biking in the summer! Speaking of which I must check the tyres on my bike before we decide to go out adventuring!

9. Cinema

Now with a Cineworld monthly pass in tow it would be criminal not to fit in some film watching! It maybe trashy to some, but I absolutely loved watching fast and furious 8 last weekend! You can certainly not go wrong with a few fast cars, a submarine and a tank!


Yes the two weeks have been busy also getting ready for holiday! We had left booking a holiday to the last minute and had finally made some decisions last week. With suitcases at the ready I appear to have packed everything including the kitchen sink to come away! It is quite unlike me as I normally like to travel light, but this time I have everything! Might be because I am tooooooooo excited and got carried away though!

The packing was all worth while though and after a long 11 hour flight we have just turned up in the most beautiful destination! Mauritius you are going to be quite an adventure and certainly answers my what next question for now! For now I will be exploring, relaxing, enjoying the sun..... the future what next goal can be decided after a holiday!

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