2017 Highs Lows and FOMOS

......well for some that year flew by, but for me it feels like every day has dragged. Now don't get me wrong I have had an amazing 2017 in so many ways - but it has also been one of the hardest years to date - both physically and mentally. I have struggled to share much since October 2017 mainly as I didn't want my inability to deal with pregnancy to dampen what has previously been a very positive blog site sharing fun and adventures.
But so much of social media is mis-leading - only showing the positive parts of our lives. Things are not always a bed of roses and it is important to show a balanced view. With this in mind I thought I would take the opportunity to review some of the highs, lows and FOMOs of 2017!
Trail Adventures to Dover, Norfolk, Suffolk and Yorkshire - all pushed me to new limits - through a variety of weather conditions - while meeting fabulous people. I am over the moon that I got to experience so many of these events in a six month period and I am itching to get back out there to explore more post baby.
Marathons - one of my biggest achievements of the year! My first ever road marathon! After signing up rather last minute I couldn't have been more chuffed with a finishing time of 4hrs16! 9 months on this seems like a world away..... but I am determined to recreate this one day and potentially train for a good for age! #futuregoals
Personal Bests - 2017 saw a speedy start to the year! I never thought I could get quicker at running - but with some focused training and core workouts a fluttering of PBs were seen across the Great Bentley Half, the Cambridge Half and my first 20 mile race at Tarpley. It certainly opened my eyes to what I could achieve if I put my mind to it.
Holidays - a distant memory as I currently feel like I have been stuck in Ipswich forever growing a baby, but 2017 had its fair share of incredible trips. Edinburgh and Aldeburgh were both amazing - allowing us to party, catch up with friends and explore. Mauritius however certainly topped the holiday pile for 2017 - 14 days of sun, sea, views, adventure and the lovely company of my hubby! We were spoilt rotten especially having the opportunity to fly in a sea plane! Never thought I would be so brave!
Bumpy - must certainly be classed as a high moment - no matter how many negatives I will list in the low 2017 section! Bumpy was a miracle and a it was a lovely surprise when we found out I was pregnant in May 2017! We had written off being able to have a family or IVF so to discover this news was a shock, but amazing! It was even more enjoyable being able to share the news with our friends and family.
Support of friends and family - which is not something new! We have always been really lucky to have so many people around us, but this year I have learnt to appreciate this so much more. * Visitors when I have been poorly * Advice when I have felt anxious * Friends lending and passing on things for Bumpy * Alcohol free fizz and cider so I feel part of the party * Friends offering to walk instead of run with me for coffee* Support to get the house ready for our new arrival and so much more.
Weddings - being able to celebrate with Mr&Mrs Newman and Mr&Mrs Aldred in October 2017. Both were amazing days and I am pleased that on neither occasions I spoiled any of the wedding photos by looking like the size of a house!
Swimming - nailed 2000 lengths in six months while pregnant. With running on the back burner I had to set myself a new goal. Over the moon to achieve it and I am glad the lifeguards didn't have to rescue me at any point.
Non alcoholic cocktails - should not be misjudged! The most refreshing thing ever and no hangovers.... speaking of which no hangovers for the year has been a serious high point!
Days Out - so many to mention - Gardens Open Day - Biking Alton Water - Mersea Regatta - Ipswich Festival - Hen Dos - Felixstowe Walks - Dedham Hikes
Symptoms - man alive! I don't know why I thought having a baby would be easy! It certainly is one of the hardest things I have ever done and I have not even given birth yet! You name it I have experienced it and it certainly casts a shadow over the excitement of the whole event. Despite everyone being truly lovely I am not going to miss the heartburn, the anxiety attacks, the inability to breath, itchy skin, sickness and the worst of all insomnia! From looking at my Instagram and Facebook it looks like I am having the time of my life, but behind hidden doors there have been tears and tantrums! Thank goodness everyone has put up with me!
Being less active! Despite swimming for the majority of my pregnancy, life is exhausting. I know all you mothers out there will just tell me its good preparation for what is to come..... but this is the first time in my life where I have not been able to do everything I have wanted. Stopping running, aerobics classes, walking long distances has been hard! I hate being less mobile and I am counting down the days to be bump free so I can get out walking with the buggy!
Lack of Gin - the basic fact that Gin has been missing from my life! Especially not being able to enjoy the Gin festival to its full advantage! Garry has been stocking up our stores for later 2018 though! He hasn't just been drinking it all by himself!
Lack of Goals - not having a race planned - something to succeed at - no medals to be had! I like achieving things and its been hard to put things on hold. I know its not forever, but also appreciate a return to activity will take time and it won't happen over night. I also know that growing a baby is an achievement in itself.... but its just different.
The Christmas Party! The only year we just go out drinking and I am sober! Bad times! Although again.... missing out on a hangover was a blessing!
And the biggest thing of it all FOMO! The fear of missing out. I certainly would not change the impending arrival of BUMPY, but it is hard to adjust to not being able to do everything. I have always been a ' yes ' person so having to say 'no' to trail runs, mud, social events and a whole host of fun stuff has been really difficult! I know its not forever, but I am just naturally someone that wants to do everything! Pregnancy may have been hard..... and is getting harder by the day and will end in the hardest thing ever, but maybe it will have taught me a good life lesson.... how to learn that I don't need to do everything and its ok to say no........ Nah.... who am I kidding.... I can't wait to get out and about with Bumpy once he is here and to get involved in as much as we can!